Iprass Corporate Service Apartment is a good option for Corporate travelers looking out for Apartments In Pune. It is located in Kalyani Nagar Yerawada Pune. Some of the popular transit points from our apartment are Kalyani Nagar , Viman Naga, Koregon Park, EON Kharadi, Shivajinagar Railway Station (6.1 kms), Pune Airport (4 kms).
Check In | 12:00 PM |
Check Out | 11:00 AM |
Hotel Policies |
Rules and Policies1) Check-in: 12 PM & Check-out: 12 PM
Rules and Policies
2. Unmarried couples are not allowed
3. Suitable for Corporate Guest
4. Suitable for Family
Payment Related
UPI /Credit/Debit cards are accepted at the property
Food Arrangement
Guests can access a shared kitchen for cooking small meals or specific purposes
Smoking/Alcohol consumption Rules
Smoking within the premises is not allowed
Alcohol consumption is not allowed within the property premises.
Property Layout & Neighbourhood
The property is set in a high-rise or multi-storey building
The property is in a quiet residential area or gated society
Supermarket, Vegetable market, Restaurant and Bus/ Taxi Stand are located within 5 kms from the property.
Hosts do not share common space with guests
Caretaker Information
The caretaker will help in cleaning the property.
Caretaker stays on the property
The caretaker will be available from 07:00 AM to 11:00 PM.
Pet(s) Related
Pets are not allowed.
There are no pets living on the property
Directions to reach the property
The property is located at a distance of 4.0 KMs from the Pune International Airport. Take a taxi from Pune International Airport and de-board at Viman Nagar. The estimated travel fare from the Pune International Airport to the property is 200.0 INR and total travel time is 15 minutes.
Finding keys to the property
Caretaker Greets You & Helps You Check-in
Other Rules
Does not allow private parties or events
We do not allow Unmarried/unrelated Couples to Check-in. This is at the full discretion of the hotel management. No refund would be applicable in case the hotel denies check-in under such circumstances..
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